STREAMLINE CONFERENCE is a refuge for the
Enterprise Asset Management community to unite, share knowledge, and gain a better understanding of how to effectively utilize HxGN software. As a catalyst for community unity, STREAMLINE ensures that no customer is left behind, providing a hub to find information, connect resources, and ensure the longevity of HxGN EAM software.
Our Goal
The goal of STREAMLINE is to connect people, create opportunities, and foster a place for all asset management professionals to come together.

Located: AC Hotel - Camperdown Plaza
Address: 315 S Main St, Greenville, SC 29601
Phone: (864) 720-2950
What's Discussed?
STREAMLINE CONFERENCE sessions will explore topics such as optimizing industrial operations through EAM and APM strategies, leveraging Industry 4.0 for enhanced reliability, and harnessing predictive maintenance and IoT to safeguard critical infrastructure. Attendees will explore risk mitigation, AI-driven digital transformation, and sustainable practices to build resilient and future-proof organizations.
Contact Us
Want to learn more? Need assistance with registration? Contact us today!